Find Out How To Get Fuller Looking Lips

Full lips can make you look younger and more attractive. If your lips are naturally thin or if they’ve lost volume with age, there are ways to make your lips look fuller—keep reading to find out how.

Simple Ways To Look Thinner

Would you like to look slimmer and feel more confident? There are a few simple things you can do to look thinner.

Eczema Basics

Eczema is an all too common, and irritating skin condition that can be painful and frustrating. Keep reading to learn more about how you can keep your skin healthy and relieve irritation.

Winter Skin Care Tips

Even if you live in an area where snowfall is rare, lower temperatures, dry air, and chilly wind can take a toll on your skin during the winter months. Dry, traumatized skin in the winter can lead to eczema flare-ups, flaking skin, and more. Keep reading to find out how to protect your skin from the winter weather.

Skin Cancer After-Care

If you have gone through a bout of skin cancer, you’re probably wondering what you can do to prevent it from coming back. You want to treat yourself as carefully as possible to make sure you’re doing everything to maintain the best health possible. Some of the best after-care instructions you can get are suggestions for maintaining skin healthy on a daily basis. If you implement a great daily skin care regimen along with advice from your personal doctors, you have an excellent chance of enjoying beautiful skin again.

Fast and Effective – Why Botox Is the Clear Choice

There are some procedures in the cosmetic industry that have really earned their place on a higher plinth, though none will ever take the place of the most popular and effective of all — Botox. After being introduced as a viable cosmetic product in 1989, Botox immediately took the world by storm. Having proven highly effective in reducing the appearance of unwanted wrinkles, almost all cosmetic and plastic surgery clinics worldwide adopted Botox and began recommending it as a product of choice.

What Is a Medical Spa

When a day spa and a medical clinic are fused together it is called a medical spa. The medical doctor is the person behind the operation of this facility. Various services are offered which include the treatment of body and face such as redness and brown spots as well as broken capillaries, which in a way can only be treated by an esthetician. Likewise, a vary of medical spa treatments are offered which cover laser treatment, IPL, laser hair removal, injectables, skin rejuvenation or tightening, photofacials, microdermabrasion and aggressive chemical peels. This operates more under a clinical atmosphere rather than a day spa. Body treatments and massage are also offered by some of the medical spas while other give specialty to wellness and offers services such as naturopathic doctor consultations, nutritional counseling and acupuncture.